The Kalamazoo River Watershed Council supports a number of Remedial Action Plans, also known AOC, to preserve and protect the watershed.
- Stage 2 Remedial Action Plan Kalamazoo River Area of Concern (2012) [full report] An update on the actions needed to restore Beneficial Use Impairments (BUIs)
- Fish and Wildlife BUI Restoration Plan (2009) [full report] Official fish and wildlife habitat and populations restoration criteria for the Kalamazoo River
- Biennial Remedial Action Plan Update (2007) [full report] Periodic updates on recent remedial actions and assessments in the AOC
- Kalamazoo River Remedial Action Plan (1998) [full report] A plan to restore and protect beneficial uses in the Kalamazoo River Area of Concern
The Kalamazoo River Watershed Council always welcomes volunteers. Register your interest today!